Safe, Homely & Welcoming Childcare, Roscam, Galway

091 761 529 087 691 3645



We opened Roscam Creche in 2005, but we have over 29 years’ experience in delivering quality childcare.

Before Roscam Childcare Centre, we ran a highly acclaimed Nursery in Yorkshire, England for 16 years; we are delighted to offer the same high quality childcare, value for money and family-managed facility in Galway.

In the beginning, we dreamed of the best childcare we would wish for our own children, and aimed to deliver that to all children in our Creche.

How do we operate?

We have evolved our basic principles over the years, and hold true to them:

  1. Our creche is a safe space for children
  2. Children entrusted to us play and learn
  3. We are open and welcoming to children of all nationalities, cultures and levels of ability
  4. Our staff and management team work with parents for the good of their children - our open-door policy promotes warm, supportive and respectful relationships at all times.
  5. We offer the best quality of childcare at affordable prices
  6. We value our staff, and seek to offer them the best working conditions, expecting the best level of care from them
  7. Communication is important to us, and we look to keep you, as parents, up-to-date with what’s happening at Roscam
  8. We maintain at all levels the value of being a family-owned and managed creche: we are not part of a chain of creches, we don’t have to deliver targets and statistics - we are invested in the care, wellbeing and education of your children.

Location, location, location

The best creche in the world is no good if it’s hard to find, too far away or in altogether the wrong district. Roscam scores highly on all 3!

We are located only minutes from Galway city centre, A.T.U, Merlin Park hospital, Galway Clinic, Bon Secours Hospital and numerous industrial parks. We have drop-off/pick-up parking. You can find us here.

Play and Learn

We all know children need to be engaged, need to have things to do to keep them occupied - we also know this is an educational opportunity… The development of your child is one of our chief priorities: they will be encouraged to socialise with other children, to learn age-appropriate skills, and to develop their confidence and natural gifts to help them become capable, resilient and self-assured.

Value for Money

There are lower-priced creches around, we know that, but you get what you pay for. At Roscam, we don’t cut corners. We invest in the resources children need: these resources need to be safe, attractive and supportive of our determination to help your child play and learn. Our staff are all qualified, trained, constantly evaluated - and greatly valued. The food we serve is of the best quality, monitored for hygiene, and respectful of religious/cultural and medical requirements. Our creche is a hygienic environment, and we constantly review our procedures to ensure this.

Word of Mouth

The best advertising of all is word-of-mouth recommendation. We are proud to share the recommendations of others, but realise at the same time we should never become complacent. We seek to learn from both recommendations (and, when they occasionally arrive, complaints).

"Our experience as Parents of J.F at Roscam Childcare Centre has been excellent and very enjoyable. We found the staff in J's room to be top class and extremely professional on all counts. We couldn't talk highly enough of Maria and Ronan and indeed on many occasions when I went to collect J he didn't want to come home!"

M, Parent
